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"Zoria's most loyal beast, he is her sole protector and is the first beast Zoria had tamed. He is a freak mix between a dragon, a timber wolf, and a screech owl. 

Andalusite has the territorial nature of a wolf and the aggressive nature of the owl. He is quite large but among dragons he is small, like a screech owl among other owls. He is strong for his size and the scales on his legs, chest, belly, and under his tail is the some of the strongest material known to anyone. Andalusite has the magic harnessing abilities of the purple/violet dragons of his land though it is dulled due to the fact he is a hybrid."

Andalusite is a quick and fiery creature, he is very protective and loyal as well, he silently vowed that he would protect Zoria since she saved his life.

Around other dragons he is quiet and reserved, not trying to cause a scene since he is small, frail, and weak compared to other dragons which is why he avoids dragons at any cost.

Andalusite feels a sort of superiority when he is around any creature smaller/weaker than him since he feels if he is larger or stronger than someone he is superior to them.

Andalusite was an ancient hybrid that was never freed from the cave he was created in. While the cave remained shut off he was held in some sort of magical stasis that prevented him from aging, leaving him sleeping inside this cave. Though when a dragon opened up the cave they woke Andalusite from his sleep. The dragon clearly wanted to take the cave for herself and came in to either kill or push out the newly woken Andalusite. Thankfully, there was a secondary exit that was perfectly made for just Andalusite to use in case of emergency. 

Once outside of the cave he had no idea where to go, so he wandered until he found another cave that he rested in for the night only to wake up to three dragons looming over him. He barely escaped and ran into Zoria who protected him and healed him since she was a Demon's Apprentice. Due to the fact that she saved his life she is the only one he can communicate with.

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